Hollis cut across the dance floor, pushing people aside as he brought his battle shield up. If they wanted to play, he’d leave a smoking ruin where their playground had been.
“Upset, Silar?” Kesko taunted him. “Hurts to see someone you love cry, doesn’t it? Should have remembered that when you killed my cousin. You lit his fighter up. It took days for him to die of the burns.”
“We’re at peace, Lee. Knock it off.” Another wave of mental attacks bombarded his shield, pounding at him, and then there was a sudden cessation.
All eyes turned to Hollis’s left.
He glanced over and saw Rowena.
She crossed her arms and glared down her crew. “What are you doing?”
“Having fun,” Kesko said, it was a challenge.
“Without me?”
Hollis watched her turn. Rowena’s shields were up and she was ready for a fight. He scowled at her.
“Wanna play, Silar? I know you could wrap them in knots, but do you really think you can take me?”
“Any day of the week.”
She smirked. “You wish.” There was a push on his shields, a hit from telekyen that pushed him backwards. The opening volley in war.