Let’s Talk About Garg- *checks notes* Korea!

This was too fun to pass up. I’ve been traveling a lot this week, driving all up and down the west coast, and this makes me giggle every time I see it. Big trucks around Korea often have eyes on the back. Sometimes they’re angry eyes, sometimes they’re silly cartoon…

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COMING FEBRUARY 2024 Surprise! I have cover art for PRICE OF THE MOUNTAIN LILY! I wasn’t expecting this so soon, but it’s here, so I’m sharing! This, primarily, a romance set against the backdrop of revenge through math and economics. If you like seeing people get their just desserts and…

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Summer Story Round Up

I keep writing and deleting blog posts. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes right now. Some of it is good. Some of it is bad. Most of it is stuff I can’t talk about on the blog. So let’s hit the highlights of the summer and move one… DESERT…

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FOR EVERY ACTION (Fleet of Malik 3) FAQ- When’s that getting published?

It has been almost a year since CHANGE OF MOMENTUM debuted and I’m getting a lot of questions about when Fleet of Malik #3 will be available. Here is what I know right now… Is FOR EVERY ACTION written yet? As of March 2021 FOR EVERY ACTION is 1/5th written…

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CHANGE OF MOMENTUM (working title – Laws Of Attraction) is finally done and handed into my publisher. The cover art should be approved by the end of the month and I’ll have a pub date in early 2019. I’m so excited! Want some stats? Word Count: 122,000 Body Count: 7+…

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