NaNoWriMo Boot Camp Day 2: Plotting

Got a plot? If you’ve completed the exercises from Day 1 of NaNo boot camp (and you may not have because some of them are multi-day projects – don’t stress it) then you know how you write. Step two for planning a successful NaNoWriMo is finding a plot. NaNoWriMo attracts…

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“Editing can’t be that hard,” said a well-meaning friend as I politely declined an invite to a weekend camping trip. I couldn’t go, I needed to finish the edits for DECOHERENCE. And editing isn’t easy. See all that red? That’s the opening chapters of DECOHERENCE during the first round of…

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The Strange Emptiness of Success

You wouldn’t think there was a sadness attached to success. There should be elation. Perhaps celebration. There should be parades, and trumpets, joy! But as I clean my desk tonight and tuck away the notes and scraps and post-is associated with DECOHERENCE I realize I’m burying the corpse of Jane…

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The Unexpected Book Deal

  This is the post I never thought I’d get to write. Back in July I spent five hours skyping my crit partner in Australia and sobbing about how this book was dead. The very last agent had it and I was sure a rejection was imminent. Me weird, strange,…

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