Category: Mondays In Publishing
MONDAYS IN PUBLISHING: How To Build A Social Media Following (without going mad)
MONDAYS IN PUBLISHING – A Series or Book Bible
MONDAYS IN PUBLISHING: What You Need To Query Your Book
MONDAYS IN PUBLISHING – How To Write A Query Letter (the updated version)
Mondays In Publishing – Setting Goals for Publication – What You Can Control & What You Can’t

It’s that time of year again! You know, the season of setting goals, making resolutions, and generally convincing yourself that this year will be different through the sheer force of your holiday-fueled determination. Everyone finds it easy to make goals when there’s a ton of enthusiasm and peer support for…
Mondays In Publishing: A Glossary of Publishing Terms

Author, novelist, writer… What’s the difference? Spelling, for the most part. I’ve never found a satisfactory definition to differentiate, although I tend to think of writers as non-fiction news people (a bias left over from my newspaper days). The real difference is between an Author and a Published/Contracted Author. When…
Mondays In Publishing – Genre
Mondays In Publishing – Seasons In Publishing

Meteorological Winter begins December 1st for the northern hemisphere (as opposed to astronomical winter that begins with the winter solstice). Just like the sky and weather Publishing has its own seasons. Seasons of feast and famine. Seasons to query and seasons to edit. Seasons to publish and seasons to sit…