Get Your Packet Together
Originally Posted 6/30/14 Listen, sometimes lightning strikes and you have a window of opportunity that’s never going to open again. Once time it was a phone call for a job. Whomever called back first got the position. Once it was a promotional opportunity, a reviewer’s guest blogger fell through and…
Impulse Buy Book of the Week: SHADOW by Christi J. Whitney
Rough Drafts Are Meant To Be Rough (a reprint)
Go Ahead And Trash It
You Will Be Rejected (a reprint)
Originally Posted 7/15/13 Not: You might be rejected. Not: You’ll have a few rejections. Not Even: Well, if you’re only mid-list worthy you’ll have at least twenty rejections. You want to get published? Fine. You need to accept that every single day of your career will have rejection. Everything you…