There are No Great Writers…

… only great re-writers. The sooner you accept that your first drafts will be steaming piles of squishy word vomit, the sooner you will be able to write the story you want to write. First drafts are nasty. They are disgusting. They make you want to curl up in a…

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Get Your Packet Together

Originally Posted 6/30/14 Listen, sometimes lightning strikes and you have a window of opportunity that’s never going to open again. Once time it was a phone call for a job. Whomever called back first got the position. Once it was a promotional opportunity, a reviewer’s guest blogger fell through and…

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Go Ahead And Trash It

I’m a firm believer in wearing clothes you can trash. Everyone needs at least one set of super comfy clothes for lounging in all day while reading a book, and one set of clothes for trashing. We call them Grubbies. During the first week of summer break the first project…

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You Will Be Rejected (a reprint)

Originally Posted 7/15/13 Not: You might be rejected. Not: You’ll have a few rejections. Not Even: Well, if you’re only mid-list worthy you’ll have at least twenty rejections. You want to get published? Fine. You need to accept that every single day of your career will have rejection. Everything you…

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Summer Is Coming

IT’S SUMMER BREAK!!!! You’d think that with four kids I’d be dreading summer break, but I’m not. During the school year I have anywhere between 8 and 12 alarms going off every day reminding me to do drop-off, pick-up, mandatory school volunteer work, homework, and chauffeuring to school events or…

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