A Look Back At 2016
Winter Break Is Here!
A Different America
Editing Sale!
Emergencies happen. Unexpected bills. An unplanned trip to the dentist’s office. Car problems. We’ve all been there. Rather than sitting here fretting over emergencies though, I’m turning this into an opportunity. This week only, I’m opening up two new novel slots on my editing schedule, and offering discounts on developmental edits…
Impulse Buy Book of the Week: UNVEILED by Ruth Vincent
Breaking Through Writer’s Block (the expanded post)
Impulse Buy Book of the Week: THE BONE CAVE by Sarah Remy
Past Stonehill Downs, beyond unforgiving scrubland and perilous mountain peaks, militant tribes gather on white sand . . . With the Red Worm plague vanquished, and Malachi and Liam safely returned from Roue, Avani expects life in Wilhaiim to return to normal. But Mal has been changed by his journey…
Friendsgiving Critique #2
Friendsgiving Critique #1
The query is one of the hardest parts of writing a book. Even if you aren’t looking for an agent or a publisher you will write something similar. The query is, essentially, the back-of-book blurb with an additional paragraph containing personal details (previous publications, relevant platform, word count, ect). I…