Worth a Watch – CHIEF KIM

I’ve never made it a habit to recommend shows, usually because I’m a few years behind, but I’ve decided to change this for a couple of reasons. First off, I’d like someone to fangrrl with over things I love. Second, I know people (especially my American readers) are looking for…

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Good news for Rowena fans!

The hot-headed engineer Rowena Lee has stolen the hearts of more than a few readers. Pugnacious and brilliant we all know Titan’s best friend deserves a happy ending. And, guess what? She’s getting it! Rowena Lee is the heroine of the next book in the Newton’s Laws series – LAWS…

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Write For Love – Publish For Money

Start here with Derek Murphy’s wise words:   The number of times I’ve wanted to punch someone for implying that artists ought to starve to create, that our lives and time aren’t worth more than pennies, is a number higher than zero but not a number so high that you…

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